Shree Saraswati Chalisa

Shree Saraswati Chalisa is a devotional hymn dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, the Hindu deity of knowledge, wisdom, music, and arts. Reciting this Chalisa is believed to invoke the blessings of Goddess Saraswati for intellectual growth, creativity, and spiritual enlightenment.

Introduction to Goddess Saraswati

Goddess Saraswati, often depicted as a graceful woman dressed in white, symbolizes purity and knowledge. She is the consort of Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. Holding a Veena (a musical instrument) in her hands, she is the patron of learning, wisdom, and the fine arts. Devotees seek her blessings for success in education, music, and other artistic pursuits.


Janak Janani Pad Kamal Raj, Nij Mastak Par Dhaari,
Bandau Maatu Saraswati, Buddhi Bal De Daataari.
Purn Jagat Mein Vyaapt Tav, Mahima Amit Anantu,
Ramsaagar Ke Paap Ko, Maatu Tuhi Ab Hantu.

Jay Shri Sakal Buddhi Balaraasi, Jay Sarvagya Amar Avinaasi.
Jay Jay Veenaakar Dhaari, Karati Sadaa Suhans Savaari.

Roop Chaturbhujadhaari Maata, Sakal Vishv Andar Vikhyaata.
Jag Mein Paap Buddhi Jab Hoti, Jabahi Dharm Ki Phiki Jyoti.

Tabahi Maatu Le Nij Avataara, Paap Heen Karati Mahi Taara.
Baalmiki Ji The Baham Gyaani, Tav Prasaad Janie Sansaara.

Raamaayan Jo Rache Banaai, Aadi Kavi Ki Padavi Paai.
Kalidaas Jo Bhaye Vikhyaata, Teri Kripaa Drishti Se Maata.

Tulasi Sur Aadi Vidvaana, Bhaye Aur Jo Gyaani Nana.
Tinhahi Na Aur Raheu Avalamba, Keval Kripa Aapaki Amba.

Karahu Kripa Soi Maatu Bhavaani, Dukhit Din Nij Daasahi Jaani.
Putra Karai Aparaadh Bahuta, Tehi Na dharai Chitt Sundar Maata.

Raakhu Laaj Janani Ab Meri, Vinay Karu Bahu Bhaanti Ghaneri.
Mein Anaath Teri Avalamba, Kripa Karau Jay Jay Jagadamba.

Madhu Kaitabh Jo Ati Balavaana, Baahuyuddh Vishnu Te Thaana.
Samar Hajaar Paanch Mein Ghora, Phir Bhi Mukh Unase Nahi Mora.

Maatu Sahaay Bhai Tehi Kaala, Buddhi Viparit Kari Khalahaala.
Tehi Mrityu Bhai Khal Keri, Purvahu Maatu Manorath Meri.

Chand Mund Jo The Vikhyaata, Chhan Mahu Sanhaareu Tehi Maata.
Raktabij Se Samarath Paapi, Sur-Muni Hriday Dhara Sab Kampi.

Kaateu Sir Jim Kadali Khamba, Baar Baar Binavau Jagadamba.
Jag Prasidhdh Jo Shumbh Nishumbha, Chhin Me Badhe Taahi Tu Amba.

Bharat-Maatu Budhi Phereu Jaai, Ramachandra Banvaas Karaai.
Ehi Vidhi Raavan Vadh Tum Kinha, Sur Nar Muni Sab Kahu Sukh Dinha.

Ko Samarath Tav Yash Gun Gaana, Nigam Anaadi Anant Bakhaana.
Vishnu Rudra Aj Sakahi Na Maari, Jinaki Ho Tum Rakshaakaari.

Rakt Dantika Aur Shataakshi, Naam Apaar Hai Daanav Bhakshi.
Durgam Kaaj Dhara Par Kinha, Durga Naam Sakal Jag Linha.

Durg Aadi Harani Tu Maata, Kripa Karahu Jab Jab Sukhadaata.
Nrip Kopit Jo Maaran Chaahei, Kaanan Mein Ghere Mrig Naahei.

Saagar Madhy Pot Ke Bhange, Ati Toofaan Nahi Kou Sange.
Bhoot Pret Baadha Yaa Dukh Mein, Ho Daridra Athava Sankat Mein.

Naam Jape Mangal Sab Koi, Sanshay Isame Karai Na Koi.
Putrahin Jo Aatur Bhaai, Sabei Chhaandi Puje Ehi Maai.

Karai Path Nit Yah Chaalisa, Hoy Putra Sundar Gun Isa.
Dhupaadik Naivedy Chadhavei, Sankat Rahit Avashy Ho Jaavei.

Bhakti Maatu Ki Karei Hamesha, Nikat Na Aavei Taahi Kalesha.
Bandi Path Kare Shat Baara, Bandi Paash Door Ho Saara.

Karahu Kripa Bhavamukti Bhavaani, Mo Kahn Daas Sadaa Nij Jaani.

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Maata Sooraj Kaanti Tav, Andhakaar Mam Roop,
Dooban Te Raksha Karahu, Paru Na Mein Bhav-Koop.
Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Sunahu Sarasvati Maatu,
Adham Ramasaagarahi Tum, Aashray Deu Punaatu.

Shree Saraswati Chalisa PDF Download

Meaning of Saraswati Chalisa Lyrics

Opening Prayer

Jaya Jaya Saraswati Mata, Jaya Mahamaya Vidya Dayini.
Hail, O Mother Saraswati, the great goddess who bestows knowledge.
Jaya Jaya Veena Vahini, Jaya Varadayini, Sukh Dayini.
Hail, O Veena-bearer, giver of boons, and the one who grants happiness.

Verses of Saraswati Chalisa

O Saraswati Mata, the mother of the universe,
In your lotus feet, I find bliss and peace.

You are the embodiment of knowledge, O gracious one,
Showering blessings, removing the darkness of ignorance.

You hold the sacred Veena and play divine tunes,
Enchanting the universe with your musical boon.

In one hand, you carry scriptures filled with wisdom,
With your other, you bestow knowledge and vision.

You are adorned with a radiant white garment,
Pure as the light that shines in every student.

O Mother, please grace us with your presence,
Guide us towards success in every endeavor hence.

O goddess of speech, you reside on the tip of every tongue,
Helping us articulate words that are wise and strong.

O merciful one, remover of all obstacles in the path,
Bless us with your eternal love and divine wrath (against ignorance).

In every field of study, your presence reigns supreme,
Be it the arts, sciences, or spiritual stream.

Bestow your grace, O compassionate one,
To students, musicians, and seekers, you’re the sun.

See also  सरस्वती चालीसा के लाभ | Benefits of Saraswati Chalisa

The Power of Reciting Saraswati Chalisa

Reciting the Saraswati Chalisa with devotion can:

  • Sharpen memory and intellectual capacity
  • Enhance creativity and artistic skills
  • Bestow clarity in speech and communication
  • Remove ignorance and instill wisdom
  • Help students achieve academic success